Athenora Consulting
Brussels, Belgium

Athenora Consulting is a leading independent European public affairs firm based in Brussels. We bring a unique expertise in EU affairs to the Public Relations Global Network.


Brussels - Belgium




66, avenue de Cortenbergh
Brussels, 1000

Natacha Clarac

Director General & Associate

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Stephane Desselas

President and CEO

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Athenora Consulting


Athenora Consulting is a leading independent European public affairs firm based in Brussels. We bring a unique expertise in EU affairs to the Public Relations Global Network. The European institutions' actions impact business environment worldwide. EU policies cover all aspects of the economy, including energy, environment, finance, health and safety, consumers affairs, transports, intellectual property, data protection, food issues, trade … Athenora's team has the know-how to design a successful EU strategy that help our client to protect their business and participate to the drafting of future laws. Our team has over a decade of experience working with the EU institutions. We deliver to our clients tailor-made services. To this end, our team is trained to analyse our clients' legislative and regulatory environment and to monitor developments at the EU level. Our highly performing monitoring system relies also on our large network of key contacts in Brussels which allows us to get golden information. We help our client to put across an effective message and shape expectations to be influential within the EU decision-making process. We design with our client the most efficient and creative lobbying strategy to improve their reputation, to manage EU issues, to work with stakeholders. We also build and manage large alliances to increase our clients’ influence. Athenora is member of the French association of lobbyists (AFCL) and a board member of the European association of lobbyists (EPACA). Athenora's President, Stéphane Desselas, is a lecturer in various conferences and seminars including universities such as the French school of political science in Paris. Dedicated to helping businesses find their way in the EU complex arena, Athenora is known for the books we wrote on successful EU lobbying.


  • Community Relations
  • Events and Campaigns
  • Media Relations
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media and Marketing

Industry Expertise

  • Automotive Public Relations
  • Aviation and Aerospace
  • Biotech / Life Sciences
  • Digital
  • Energy
  • Environment / Waste
  • Financial / Banking / Investment
  • Food and Drink
  • Healthcare / Nutrition
  • Not-for-Profit / Charities
  • Other
  • Pharmaceuticals / Medical
  • Professional Services
  • Transportation

Natacha Clarac - Director General & Associate

Natacha Clarac is managing director of Athenora Consulting. For a decade, she has provided political briefings, training programmes and consulting advices to various clients in order to raise their voice in the EU arena with adequate tools and the right message. Over the years she designed and carried out many lobbying campaigns on behalf of clients, giving her a very comprehensive expertise of lobbying at European level. She has also developed specific tools for coalition building and alliances.

Natacha is a lecturer at Sciences-Po Aix-en-Provence and she also contributes to seminars at ESSEC, EIPA and ENA. In 2011 she co-wrote the lobbying chapter in the book “how the EU institutions work and how to work with EU institutions” and in 2012 she co-wrote the book called “EU lobbying golden rules”.

Natacha graduated from Sciences-Po Aix-en-Provence and is a graduate from the Institute of European studies in Brussels. Natacha also created in 2003 the awssociation “Eyes on Europe”.

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Stephane Desselas - President and CEO

Stéphane Desselas is the founder and President of Athenora consulting. Specialist of the EU decision making process, he advices his clients to more effectively influence public policy through tailored-made strategies. He has been active in Brussels since 1994 as a legal advisor and consultant for many big businesses and as Secretary General of a European Federation.

He was also a partner in a British lobbying firm before creating Athenora. Stéphane is a lawyer and he is a graduate from ESCP in Paris. Stéphane is a lecturer at Sciences-Po Paris. In 2007, he published a book called “Open Professional Lobbying”, in 2011 he co-wrote the lobbying chapter in the book “how the EU institutions work and how to work with EU institutions” and in 2012 he co-wrote a book called “EU lobbying golden rules”. He has also published several articles on EU lobbying.

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