Industrie-Contact • PR Agency in Germany
Hamburg, Germany

Industrie-Contact – A synonym for a high-quality Public Relations Agency in Germany. For more than 40 years, Industrie-Contact has been involved with the practice of PR, content creation and social media communication on both the national and international levels. We champion both B2B and B2C campaigns.


Hamburg - Germany




Bahrenfelder Marktplatz 7
Hamburg, 22761


Jonathan Klimke

Managing Partner

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Uwe Schmidt

Managing Partner

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Industrie-Contact • PR Agency in Germany


Industrie-Contact – A synonym for a high-quality Public Relations Agency in Germany. For more than 40 years, Industrie-Contact has been involved with the practice of public relations and content marketing on both the national and international levels, giving it a background of experience that very few agencies can say they have. Industrie-Contact understands its work as contribution to increase the sales of its clients and to improve their public awareness at the same time. Most of the employees have been with the firm for at least five years, providing clients and partners with the comfort of knowing what they are talking about. The two managing partners are fully integrated into the operations of the business, and are, therefore, close to the client. The media world is spinning faster today than ever. That makes it all the more important to have long-term relationships with the media. The firm's 40+ years of history in the business, its committed and dedicated employees help guarantee just that. Located in Hamburg, Germany’s media city, gives it physical proximity to most of all the important publishing houses as well as the Germany headquarters of Google and Facebook.


  • Content Creation
  • Corporate Communications
  • Creative Services
  • Crisis Communications and Crisis Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Events and Campaigns
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Media and Presentation Training
  • Media Relations
  • Product and Brand Launches
  • Public Relations
  • Reputation Management
  • Social Media and Marketing
  • thought leadership

Industry Expertise

  • Automotive Public Relations
  • Aviation and Aerospace
  • Beauty
  • Biotech / Life Sciences
  • Building / Construction / Architecture
  • Consumer Products
  • Consumer Technology
  • Engineering
  • Fitness
  • Food and Drink
  • Healthcare / Nutrition
  • Hotels
  • Lifestyle
  • Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals / Medical
  • Professional Services
  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Tourism / Travel
  • Transportation

Jonathan Klimke - Managing Partner

Jonathan Klimke is Managing Partner of Industrie-Contact since 2020. After his traineeship, Jonathan studied economics and Public Relations. From 2009 he was PR Consultant at Industrie-Contact. His core competences are Public Relations, Online PR, Content Marketing and Social Media for national and international clients and projects.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 40 899 666 32

Uwe Schmidt - Managing Partner

Uwe Schmidt started at Industrie-Contact as trainee in 1989. Years later, he became CEO and partner. In the nineties he took care of the German business and in the early 2000s he established the international network of the agency. In 2002 IC joined PRGN where Schmidt helped to extend the European network.

Uwe Schmidt was the president of the PRGN for one year in 2014/2015.

Uwe Schmidt is beside his activities for Industrie-Contact AG chairman of the Kinderhilfswerk Eine Welt e.V. (children charity organization) which implements aid projects in 8 countries.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 40 899 666 25