Save the Redwoods League

Agencies : Landis Communications Inc. (LCI)

The Save the Redwoods League (the League) has protected California redwood forests since 1918. For the organization’s centennial, the League and LCI set ambitious goals: to build brand awareness and broaden the base of public interest in redwoods conservation.


LCI worked with the League to map out a range of programming, events and scientific initiatives to generate engagement among regional, national and international audiences and media. LCI promoted scientific, recreational/travel, and general appeal stories. LCI also secured media sponsorships to promote the organization’s Centennial.

LCI kicked off the centennial year with a general news announcement, followed by:

  • February: highlighting travel/recreation– Promoting a monthly free parks pass program, a new online travel planning tool called Explore Redwoods; and spotlighting Lonely Planet’s announcement of California redwoods as the #1 US travel destination for 2018.
  • April: highlighting Earth Day – An Earth Day SF partnership showcased the first-ever State of Redwoods Conservation Report, Centennial Vision Statement and the rollout of related initiatives with California State Parks and National Parks Service.
  • October: Celebration month – Free public redwoods-themed festivals around the state, governmental proclamations, the League’s first fundraising gala, special events with numerous partner organizations and scientific research findings.

LCI helped the League develop centennial partnerships with: the San Francisco Giants, UC Berkeley Botanical Garden and Bancroft Library, travel bureaus Visit California, SF Travel and Visit Humboldt, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), Earth Day SF, the California Academy of Sciences, media partners (KPIX-TV, KCBS-AM, Radio [email protected], Sunset Magazine online, 510 Parents, Weekend Sherpa), Lonely Planet, California Governor’s office, National Parks Service, California State Parks, California Library Association, Garden Club of America, private social clubs (The Battery SF), REI and many others.


To date, LCI has generated more than 2,488 media placements, including CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, and others.

  • More than 20 front-pagenews stories
  • Total online reach exceeded 28 billion UVPMand print reach is more than 2.86 million.
  • Total ad equivalency value: more than $10 million.
  • Broadcast coverage included: CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, KTVU-TV (FOX San Francisco), KPIX-TV (CBS San Francisco), KGO-TV (ABC San Francisco), KQED-FM (National Public Radio), and KCBS-FM (San Francisco).
  • The League’s fundraising Gala was a sold-out event (more than 730 guests) and raised nearly $2 million
  • Through other communications channels, LCI also:
    • Increased League’s email list from 53,000 to 67,000
    • Increased FB engagement 10%
    • Increased Instagram engagement 100%
    • Increased Twitter engagement 25%
    • Generated 26,000 page views for

Partnerships that LCI secured for the Centennial yielded:

  • 441 on-air 15-second public service announcements in TV and radio = 110.25 free minutes
  • Total ad equivalency value: $84,980
  • Broadcast reach: 4 million+
  • Transit reach: 1 million+ BART riders
  • Social media reach:
    • Facebook 245,645
    • Instagram: 106,823
    • Twitter: 166,070
  • Email reach: 142,695

“Another proud moment for Save the Redwoods League. CONGRATS TO ALL and a shout-out to Landis Communications Inc., David Landis, Ashley Boarman and Polly Winograd Ikonen.” – Jennifer Benito, Save the Redwoods League