There used to be a way to reach your target market with just a few touch points. Send out a press release. Produce an event. Sponsor a program. According to the Online Marketing Institute, it now takes 7-13 touches to reach a potential customer.
Today’s consumers are immune to traditional marketing, PR and advertising strategies. We live in an increasingly complex and competitive environment that requires companies to constantly stay on their toes to employ the very latest and only the best communications strategies. With so many companies’ products and services competing for everyone’s attention, it is no wonder your company brand can get lost in the mix.
So what is a company to do? The most successful way to reach your audience is by creating and delivering integrated Marketing and PR Strategies and Campaigns.
The two have gone hand in hand for years, but in the current environment, combining communications tools has become more important than ever for brand awareness, competitive advantage, to drive sales, ROI and help increase your company’s bottom line.
Some elements to consider:
- Clearly develop your Message for Marketing & PR. Seem obvious? It is surprising how many companies do not focus on developing one clear message theywant to convey. This is the foundation for everything else that follows in your communication mix. It needs to be on your website, through your publicity, marketing materials, advertising, social media, community outreach and more.
- You have to reach far and wide–and consistently. This is where you will have a competitive advantage, if your PR firm sends the message through all of the communications vehicles available –PR, Marketing and Social Media channels. And they must do this consistently and ongoing. You have to be relentless in your integrated campaign and pursue the best outcomes through PR, working with social media, in tandem with marketing. You will really see results when you employ the integrated campaign through all of these channels.
- Customize your message for your various audiences. They will hear you if you are speaking to them in their language. Journeys may differ from one consumer to the next since they are not all tuned into the same communication vehicles or sources. That is why you cast the integrated communications net so widely.
- Controlling the content. In today’s marketing world, you are able to have more control of your unique story. This leads to consistent and powerful messaging we referred to earlier. But, this also enables your story telling to be designed by you, the way you wish to be heard. This can inevitably lead to stronger relationships with your target markets. Authenticity is spoken about in today’s world and it is no wonder that customers and clients crave to know what is real. Give them your authentic story and they will respond in kind.
- Decide how to measure success. Is the measure of success an increase in ROI? Sales numbers? Increased Likes, Followers? When you design an integrated Marketing and PR strategy, ensure you have your eye on the end game. And decide what that will look like. There are so many measurable metrics and analytics available today to enhance the communications campaign’s measure of success. Always set aside enough funds to do this important analysis that will surely steer your next campaign.
When a company is looking for a PR and Marketing firm, they want to know that their message is being delivered to the right audiences at the right time. And that the communications strategy incorporates all of the tools at their disposal. They want to know the integrated program is running like a well-oiled machine and results in a positive return on their investment. Companies want and deserve to get all of the analytics at their marketing agency’s disposal to show the data that the communications campaign is working. And finally, companies need their clients and/or customers to be happy and satisfied enough to return again and again.