By Sean Dowdall - Landis Communications Inc. (LCI) | September 21 2015
Professional communicators usually have lots of stories to tell – I know I do. The trick is getting the right people to listen and getting them to act. One way to think of it is moving the audience from the story to the store.
Often with digital marketing, the story gets bad, or worse, no reviews – the main idea gets buried or lost. Or, the main message finds an interested audience, but nobody can find the store – the call-to-action’s pathway isn’t clear or is just too strenuous to follow.
To solve for that I use a process I call Great Pathway Setting. GPS builds an integrated and seamless user experience that helps boost results for communications efforts.
Here are the steps:
I’ve seen GPS work with astounding results. So, come on over here – I’ve got a story to tell you. Please share with me your GPS stories by commenting or send me a note at
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